What is the Wise County Special Needs Baseball Mission?
It is to provide organized sports for individuals with challenges living in Wise County and surrounding areas in order to create an opportunity for both children and adults, to improve physical fitness and developmental delays.
Good question! You know what? Not everyone who starts playing with WCSNB knows how to play baseball when they first begin. But, we have great coaches and buddies that will be right next to you, showing you exactly how to play the game!
Of course! WCSNB isn't like traditional baseball. Our focus is on making sure everyone has a chance to hit the ball, as well as handle the ball while playing the field. Whether your child is mobile or needs assistance doesn't matter to us- we will get them to the ball one way or another!
Yes! Like we said, WCSNB isn't like traditional baseball, and we don't have rigid rules while playing. Our number one priority is safety for the players, after that....well, just about anything goes! Our volunteers are amazing in helping our participants play the game to their individual maximum extent- we know that every player is an individual and we let them be themselves on the field as well as in the dugout.
We have a Spring and Fall season and each of these lasts for 8-10 weeks.
Fall Season starts in September
Spring Season starts in April
Our youngest players begin at 5 years old and as of Spring 2015, our oldest player is 71 years old!
If you or a loved one wants to join us, please complete the form below. We accommodate all disabilities, and we work with all of our participants to ensure that everyone has a great time.
Fall Season Late Registration begins September 1st.
Spring Season Late Registration begins March 3rd.
Participation Fee is $25.
Late registration for Participants is $45 (after deadlines).
Every player who needs a buddy gets one! A buddy stays with the player during the game and in the dugout- helping them when they need help, encouraging the player to do their best, and just being a friend. It's a great opportunity to form a relationship with someone you might not otherwise.
Wearing your shirt is required during all activities.